Sunday, March 06, 2005

Beautiful Day

I would just like to say that today was a most excellent day. I did have to skip my bible study group thing in order to finish some grading *blah* however I have finally finished a huge project with my students. TA DA. Just in time to start a new report on Monday. Yippee!

I got a lot acomplished this weekend. And I think that I have determined that wherever I move next I shall be living by myself because I have greatly enjoyed haveing the apartment all to my lonesome these past few days. (Sorry to all of you out there who wanted to be the next roommate of mine. You will survive! ;-) )

I got a blood blister on my left thumb and it still really hurts. It was while I was bemoaning my pain after school on Friday that the thought crossed my mind that I will never be able to endure childbirth. But that very night while the crowd was focused on a juggler I was captivated by a much smaller person beside me. She was less than a week old. She was beautiful. She was perfect. And I looked at the stupid blister on my thumb and thought..."I would go through anything for that." So I may very well decide to have children after all.