Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Everything is Beautiful

I feel like singing and dancing...and I do! I am all moved into my new place. I cannot tell you enough just how amazingly beautiful it is...I love it (as much as one can love a house).

So many things have been going just right for me. I have a "new" car that is working out quite wonderfully.

I have a job. And the terrific thing about it is that it is not new, so I am able to learn from all of the things that I did wrong (and right) last year, I think that it is going to be an exceptional experience and I am looking forward to it.

I also have a new classroom (which I am being allowed to paint!!!!!). My old classroom was rather drab and boring and this room is going to be anything but! I am so excited about getting stuff all settled over there and I am looking forward to all that I have to work on. Summer is pretty much over for me and school is full speed ahead. But I might still sneak in a couple of swims before that becomes official.

I have a hew place to live, which as previously mentioned is amazing! I have my very own washing machine and dryer right outside my bedroom door and I don't have to dig through coffee mugs of change to insert quarters before I start each load. I enjoy doing laundry! (this is a red letter day and will be referred to often in future posts with hysterical laughing as I question the sanity of the one who wrote that last sentence)

I have new roommates. Tom and Lauren are awesome!

I have a new phone number. (If you need my new number leave me a comment and I will e-mail it to you) I am kinda sad about leaving my old number behind. I have had it ever since I moved from my parents' house, through all of my numerous college moves my phone number has remained the same until now. I guess that this is just one more reminder that I am not in college anymore.

One of my sister's roommates (and my roommate at the time) asked me a couple of days ago if I felt more like a "woman" or if I still felt like a "girl." That wasn't as hard to answer as it has been in the past. I am in no way trying to claim that I am "all grown up" and for that matter I don't know that I ever want to be...but I have been more content with my "adult" roles and I have been choosing to do without some of my more childish attributes. I still have a long way to go. But I actually enjoy my job (what teacher doesn't say that over summer break?) and I am looking forward to getting back into the schedule of it all.

I will have high-speed internet very soon!

Life is sweet.