Saturday, April 29, 2006


Tonight was the 10th annual school auction. We had a western theme so I got to braid my hair, wear cowboy boots and randomly yell, "Yah-hoo!" I love this event because as a teacher I am only asked to be there. I don't need to watch any kids or prepare for it in any way. It is so nice to be able to just relax and enjoy my co-workers and parents involved.

I was fortunate enough to get to play Vana White for the live auction. So I struck quite a few entertaining poses to try to sell stuff. Some people have some pictures out there that could easily be used to blackmail me.

My dad and Simon came to support me. They bought a yellow cake and a gift for me....drum roll please!.... the VIP teacher parking space! Ahhh! Life is grand! No more putzing across that horrid bridge in the dead of winter, in the rain, in the wind...I get to park right next to the door! Life is good. My daddy spoils me. And I love him!

Then came the line dancing. I am horrible and I have a hard time remembering when I had so much fun. Seriously just trying to dance is doesn't matter if you are any good at just matters that you try and try I did. And laugh I did. And it was so great. Again there are more blackmail pictures out there somewhere.

The auction was a blast. Let's do it again sometime!