Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Time Traveler's Wife

This book was loaned to me by a friend who has impeccable taste in all things that I love, from books, to music, to movies, to concerts, and on and on and on.

This book is the "change-my-life" kind of good. I started recommending this book to people as soon as I started reading it. I didn't need to finish it to know that it was going to be good through the end and that it was going to be a worthy expenditure of time.

I started to consider the dependability of chronological time and the possibility of that not being a factor. I even found myself buying into the idea so much that I started to consider how I could help people like Henry, how I could make the travels easier for him. The best part, is how this book forces you to consider fate and destiny as entities not to be trifled with. Do we do what we do because we want to? Or because we are meant to? Is there any way to undue the past? Or to change the future? And while the theory of time travel may sound entertaining...at what expense is such a venture made? And who has true freedom those that travel or those that don't? I am going to be thinking about this book for a while. I recommend that you do the same.

All that being said...if you are offended by language, sex, or alcohol use...then this is not the book for you. I, however, am happily rarely offended and I loved the whole thing! (So don't worry, Lauren, I didn't "edit" your copy with a black Sharpie marker as I have done to some of my books ;) )