Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I missed all of my classes on Monday and that is a bad, bad time. I am so glad that I am back in school now but I hate that I have missed so much. I hate that I have missed anything at all. It really is not more work or anything because my course load is relatively easy this semester but I really just love school and I want to soak it all in. Who knows when, if ever, I will be able to do this again. I cannot believe that I am graduating on May 8th, of this year! I'm not ready to move on. I like this too much. I love attending classes, writing papers, completing projects, I don't even mind group work that much anymore. And yes, some of my classes are a royal pain, but ultimatly I am enjoying doing this, here, now and I can't imagine enjoying anything else nearly as much.

That is not entirely true there are some things that I would equally enjoy. Working at Lakeshore, I would love that. Joining the Peace Corps, that would be amazing. Studying in Europe, writing for real, that would be phenominal. But everyone fights me tooth and nail.
"get a real job, that pays"
"it is entirely different once you are being paid for a job"
"27 months! Are you crazy?"
"It's time to get your head out of the clouds."

I personally like living with my head in the clouds, thank-you very much. I have been trying to live without my little dream world and that doesn't work out too well for me. I get crabby, judgemntal, angry, I panic, freak-out, you get the idea. I want to go back to being care free. Is that possible anymore? I want to revert back to my pre-control-freak-self. Where I trusted people. I am going to figure something out.