Monday, October 04, 2004


Thou shalt not squirm.

Ok, so this one didn't quite make it in to the top ten list. But let me tell you that it is still ranking high on the charts. I for one could most assuredly learn something here.

I was looking at James 1:1-4 when this stood out to me...

"Dear Brothers, is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and don't try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete." -text quoted from the Living Bible [a.k.a. "the hippie Bible"]

And the thought suddenly struck me that we can get out of it if we want to. If we try hard enough. If we beg, plead, throw a tantrum. We can get out. But we grow by staying.

I was thinking about my work and how I am still there, but not in any real capacity...I am just surviving, I am not striving. I may just be squirming out of something that God wants to teach me here. That is truly disheartening/encouraging.
Disheartening because it is once again revealing my weak character but encouraging because I want to change and I feel well equipped.

BTW I feel that this is further support that we have choices to make and that God has a perfect will that may or may not be accomplished. I mean God's "general will" will be carried out but his specific will for each of mankind may not and that is why even the rocks will sing praises if we fail to do so...Not because rocks were made to be instruments of praise but because the instruments that were created were given a choice and if they should choose not to then God who is worthy. And is not limited, would be praised by the rest of creation...The rest the parts without a free will...They will have no choice but to praise their creator. Why would Jesus have prayed "Not my will, but Thine" if he didn't have a choice. Why don't calvinists preach their calvinism? Why is it that when they preach it sounds so Armenian? Perhaps because a decision needs to be made.