Wednesday, January 12, 2005

enough to think about

With this post I begin a raving that is potentially infinite

"Good as it ripens becomes continually more different not only from evil but from other good" -C.S. Lewis

I paused my reading for a moment to ponder that thought. I happen to agree with him. Isn't it absolutely perfect that all good is not identical? We need not fear becoming some celestial equivalent to the Olsen twins whom we are told are "not identical" but they're still impossible to tell apart. I love that uniqueness and true individuality therefore come not from doing "your own thing" but from doing "God's thing" for your life. For in following God's plan for your life you journey on toward good. A good that grows into something unlike evil and even unlike other good. Not only does God have a plan for you, but He has a plan that is unique for you. Unique in a real way not in some "rebellious-teenager" sort of way where in their attempt to be different they turn out looking like carbon copies of their peers. Goodness will set you apart. From everybody.