Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hung in the Balance

How is it that I have passed every math class I have ever taken with above average grades, I teach 5th grade math, I have survived calculus, trigonometry, geometry, algebra, number theory....and yet, I still cannot balance a check book?

Seriously! What is my problem? I hate writing checks all together. I avoid it at all costs. Most of my bills are automatically withdrawn from my checking account. Automatic withdrawal is supposed to simplify things, for all that I need to do is jot down the amount withdrawn in the check register. But that never happens quite right.

I have added and re-added; double- and triple-checked each entry; examined each line of my statement; called customer service; pushed all the right buttons...but I cannot get it to work out...I have somehow spent $10.50 without my bank realizing it.

I want to just wipe the slate clean...start over, fresh and new with the balance that the bank declares to be true...but as soon as I do this... calamity is sure to follow in the form of a $33 overdraft fee. It is inevitable. I am doomed to fight these numbers for the rest of the evening.