Thursday, June 08, 2006

Crazy Birds

A couple of days ago I went for a walk on the bike path by my house. It was a very ordinary day. It was very ordinary until about a quarter of a mile down the path. Then all of the sudden these crazy birds started to hover in the air above my head squawking furiously. I was confused; I had done nothing to offend them, I was sticking to the path as usual, I wasn't even dressed horribly, I couldn't begin to understand what their deal was. I had decided to just ignore their hovering and squawking when out of the blue a brave one swooped down and brushed up against my head. I ducked down and screamed simultaneously. I could not believe the audacity of these birds.

At first, I tried to ignore them. They would not be ignored. Next, I tried waving them away whenever they swooped down. That evidently just made their mockery more enjoyable. Finally, I decided to just stare them down. This seems to work the best. They still make an un-godly amount of noise but at least their swooping is down to a minimum.

Today when I went to the path I saw that this sign had been posted. It is good to know that I am not the only one that has been bothered by these obnoxious birds. I have been complaining about these crazy red-winged blackbirds for the past couple of weeks so I just wanted you to know that I am not the only one that feels the need to spread the word of caution.