Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Carry On, Mr. Bowditch

We just finished reading this book together in my 5th Grade class. This is the 4th time that I have read it and I can honestly say that I enjoy it more each time.

I greatly admire Nat's ability to "sail by ash breeze" as he would say, never giving up and continuously persevering no matter what the circumstances. There is certainly a lot to be said about the depth of character that it takes to refuse to allow the life situations and personal tragedy that each of us must face to dictate the life that we live. Nat is an excellent example of accomplishing what those around him considered to be impossible.

I can recommend this book without any qualifiers...because if it is good enough to read in my particular school setting...then anyone on planet Earth can read it without any fear or trepidation. :)