Friday, August 06, 2004


I heard a radio segment on teens volunteering their time and that made me want to give some more consideration to how I can get my students to volunteer. I am still brainstorming on this one.

Also, my school has some sort of Christmas outreach thing every year. I guess that the classroom teachers are each responsible for finding a project for their students to take part in. I need to start giving that some thought too. I want them to be actively involved. I wonder if I could have us sponsor a child through Compassion or World Vision. Usually there is some sort of introductory packet or video. Then the students could write to our sponsor child, the sponsored kids always write beautiful letters witch pictures and everything. Which would be more authentic writing. But how would the money thing work out? We could do fundraisers on a regular basis. The cost is usually very minimal about $25-30 per month per sponsored child. But this would not be something that we would only do over Christmas, this would be a long term commitment. Plus, what would happen at the end of the school year? If we only had one or two I could pay over the summers but I am not sure how I would go about selling each new class on it. hmmm. It gives me something to think about.