Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Earth: Heaven or Hell?

"Earth, I think, will not be found by anyone to be in the end a very distinct place. I think earth, if chosen instead of Heaven, will turn out to have been, all along, only a region in Hell: and earth, if put second to Heaven, to have been from the beginning a part of Heaven itself." -C.S. Lewis

It is a certain phenomenon that as your eternal destiny is chosen, your current life is infinitely impacted. For once Heaven is chosen: all subsequent steps, all future decisions, are effected by that one choice, even the choices that you see as options are effected. What may have seemed feasible in your earthly cognition is now incomprehensible. And you are not responsible for this change. You begin to see life differently from the start...not merely in retrospect. Once you have recognized you inability and your desperate need for mercy you begin to see just how capable and merciful God has always been. Amongst tragedy you see grace. In poverty you see provision. In the weakness you see the strength. And none of it comes from you. You now recognize the Source. You do not understand, for He is beyond comprehension. But in knowing, even in part, the vast God of Creation, in times of trial you know a peace that is unprecedented, that is unbelievable, until it is known firsthand. In this way earth is not a place of torment and of anguish. It is not a purgatory. It is an opportunity to know God, and to be known by God. It is a chance to see God move and to be used. It is the foundation of an eternal relationship.

In contrast, if Heaven is not your destination, if you were to put all of your life into living out your dreams and seeking out happiness, you will find nothing that satisfies. All roads will dead-end in despair. All love will waver. All hope will fail. Life will be utterly meaningless. A chasing of the wind. For there will be no purpose. (Ecclesiastes 1:2-2:26) The only real conclusion is this: "Fear God and obey his commandments, for this is the entire duty of man." And for those who do not fulfill this duty, this life is a mere stepping stone to Hell.

Which leads me to the thought of CHOICE. Whose choice is it? Ours or God's? Who chooses between Heaven and Hell? I think I know.