Wednesday, February 16, 2005


I was reading some Shakespeare last night and let me tell you did it ever mess with my dreams...I was actually despairing over the loss of it all this morning when I woke up because in my dream I was astounded to hear everyone speaking in perfect iambic pentameter...I kept listening for a flaw but there was none. And that was when I realized that I was doing it too. As I awoke I was saddened that I would not be hearing beautiful English all day...And that's when I got to thinking that dreams are some miraculous blessing, I mean think of all of the iambic pentameter that my brain generated in order to produce such a massive volume of poetic script and this morning I can remember nothing but its beauty. What a waste. What a gift. I have heard that the brain stores every bit of information ever presented to it with 100% accuracy and the only problem with the brain is its ability (or inability to recall said information). If this were true (which I believe its truth would be impossible to scientifically prove or disprove) then it is easy to see why I could dream hours of conversation in perfect fluidity. If however this is not true and my brain just randomly came up with all of that just for the sake of one dream, I don't think that my sleep is very restful.

but then maybe I wasn't speaking in perfect iambic pentameter...Maybe the dream was just that I thought that I was. Thoughts to ponder flood my brain...In no particular order.