Friday, January 28, 2005

A Worthy Opponent

*Trumpets Call*
[Shouting]Hail High King and Queen of this fair land, Lords and Ladies, nobleman, countryman, all within the grasp of this summit:
Lend me thine ears. I should like to welcome a worthy opponent into this coliseum of great heroes. This arena where countless thousands have lived to die before lesser audiences than these. This sanctuary for no man. Where respite is not to be found. Where battles are fought-not for the winning-but for the crowd. Where death is the only retirement. Where honor is earned in audience approval. Where glory is awarded to the last man standing.

To those who come here today with a temporal fire that will be extinguished by nightfall I offer to you this:

This is your greatest day, for today you live, today you fight, today you are in the minds of this deep gathering. Fight well, make each blow count, for it may be all that is left to remember you by. Show no fear: cowards are fed to the lions and men lust for their deaths. Shred your arrogance for from this day on you have no identity other than the blood that stains your flesh.
May your life blood that is spilt here today live on in immortality throughout the ages-in this text that is our only breath.
May the battles be long.
May the courageous die with honor.
May your words be remembered... For today you die.
*uproarious shouting*

[Aside:]Let the games begin, indeed.