Monday, March 21, 2005

Thinking About Callings

I was just thinking about what it is that God may have planned for my life. I like to dream big dreams and I am excited to know that God does too. I am excited, because so far life has been so good: not easy, but worth it.

I have been thinking back to the times when I have felt most "alive" I think that those are the moments when I have really been where God wanted me to be. And I think of all of the time that I spent working with the youth group at my church...especially at church camp. I wonder if God has something in that for me. God has used camp experiences in my life in a big way....especially once I was on the serving end vs. the "camper" side. I think that that really might be a good fit for me...working at a camp, teaching, building relationships, challenging students spiritually, and enjoying nature and fellowship. It would be hard in some ways too. There would be a lot of grounds work, and maintenance, and financial stuff. But maybe that would be where God could fit a guy into my life (ha ha! I am always trying to help God with that one *wink*).

Or maybe some other form of youth ministry, for the next couple of years I am thinking that I will be teaching in a middle school, hopefully in the Dixon area. The move will be good for me. And I think that there are a lot of opportunities for me to really work with the youth at my church there, so we shall see just where God will put me. I am eagerly anticipating this new start.