Sunday, August 07, 2005

IF singing is a cintrivical factor in allowing the plot to procced than I am hooked. Case in point is Moulin Rouge.

I have just watched this for the very first time...which I now find almost impossible to believe. How is it that all of my dear friends who have seen this movie have not INSISTED until this very moment that I sit down and enjoy? I find it unfathomable that I have gone this long without someone saying... "Trisha, you are going to love this movie!" It is so steryotypically "my" type of movie. It centers on characters that waver repeatedly on their belief of love. Can it get any more "me" than this? I don't think so. So I would just like to heartily thank Lauren for allowing me the privelege of finally seeing what is now one of my all-time favorite movies.

Plus they sing. They sing great songs that I already know and love...does it get any better than this? By and large it reminded me a great deal of my most positive experience of seening Mama Mia featuring songs of Abba...only this is "better" (so hard to compare live performances to movies....) because there were many more was beautiful.

It was made by the same people that made Romeo + Juliet that should have been my first clue that I was going to love it...but at times I can be a little slow. ;)

The movie that started this craze was Phantom of the Opera. Another fantastic musical that shouldn't be missed. I really want to see a live performance of this one sometime in the future, I think that it would be a very memorable experience. Until then I am going to have to settle for watching this vesion repeatedly...that is until we have to return the DVD to Lauren's mom :( that will be a sad, sad day indeed.

I intend to watch more quality musicals in the very near future...I plan on revisiting Evita soon...I haven't seen that since we played the score in band...eons and eons ago. I am going to need to think up some more or maybe it is good that I can't think of many more since school is starting every so quickly...I cannot wait! :D

On an entirely different note I think I killed my spell checker thingy so this is just how I typed it...of course I am sure that you will find many errors (since the spell check usually does and it is taking today off) so enjoy them and feel free to jibe about how today's educational system is going down the drain because 5th grade teachers can't spell. I will continue to smile and say, "That, my dear friends is why God intended for us all to have wroking PCs with spell check that cannot refuse to work!" ;)