Monday, August 29, 2005

Still just as sleepy as ever

I think maybe my school makes me sleepy...just being within a quarter of a mile I start to get drowsy. :)

Work was fantastic today! Everyday that I go there I am reminded of how good I have it this year: I have the best class, I have the best parrents, I have the best coworkers, I have a new room, I have already taught this curriculum once so I have some general idea of where I want to go with it, and I just love my job. Life is just going so smoothly thus far and I am so thankful.

I feel like I should be overflowing with "stuff" to write about because I am so happy. But in actuality I am findinf it much more difficult to write anything, because I am happy. I think that I have developed some sort of connection between writing and emotional therapy or something. That and the fact that I am discouraged that I have lost all of my recent works due to my computer eating it! Stupid computer! Anyhow know that all is well and that I should continue to type loads of mumble jumble even if I have nothing to say.