Friday, November 04, 2005

What I do

Parent teacher conferences went so much better than I ever could have hoped for. You know how you always have that one meeting that you dread? Well, this year ... I didn't have one of those! All of them were so easy to get through. My kids are so great and they are so easy to brag on. So basically I had a wonderful week telling great parents just how much I enjoy spending my days with their children.

Flu season is upon us. Or at least upon me and my class. I have had kids in and out of school for the past couple of weeks (which by the way makes my job MUCH harder...keeping track of late work and missed tests). My days have pretty much boiled down to: school, nyquil, rest, dayquil, school, nyquil, rest, dayquil. I sleep between 10-12 hours per night trying to build my strength up for the next day. The good news is that it is actually working. While I have a hard time getting up in the morning and a hard time winding down at night, I have been greatly enjoying my days. I accomplish much. I have the strength to accomplish much. I have the desire and the creativity to enjoy what I do. All is well.

I had to arrange for a Chapel speaker this week and that went amazingly well. I asked one of my small group leaders to speak and he did a fantastic job. The kids loved his talk and the songs and even the motions...not an easy task let me assure you. I am so thankful that it went so smoothly and that I don't have to do that again until next semester.

Basketball season has begun. If you have not recently been able to watch a game that involved 5-6th grade boys in their first years of playing the game then you are missing a real treat. It is some first-rate entertainment I tell you. They spend a significant portion of their 5 minute periods on the floor dramatically over reacting to fouls, falling, sliding, flailing, etc. Even the cheerleaders are new and they flee from the floor in fear when they hear a buzzer, they stand on the court while the game is playing, and they cartwheel and flip right into each other...Oops! If you are looking to laugh, home games are most every Thursday.

We got our school pictures today, but I accidentally forgot mine at school.