Monday, September 19, 2005


I am starting to feel a little sick-ish-ness-es starting in the back of my throat. Oh, the joys of working in an elementary school. I hate to be sick and let me tell you I am fighting this one hard. I won't go down without a fight. Seems to be my motto or something these days. Cut me a clear path because I am just itching for a good fight. *wink*

And as a side note: how is it that I always forget how much caffeine tea has? Since my throat was feeling its sick-ish-ness-es I was drinking tea early this morning to soothe the pain of it away. (This is why I need to refrain from alcohol...I am trying to drink away my pain) Anyhow, tea does have a significant amount of caffeine. And I woke up in a really good mood this morning (when does that ever happen?). So add my good mood to a caffeine induced high and I was flying-high-couldn't-move-fast-enough-to-keep-up-with-me ... all-day-long. It was great! My kids were exhausted trying to keep up with me. I love my life. Sick-ish-ness-es and all. :D