Friday, May 25, 2007

The Panic and The Push and The Peace

An interesting oxymoron of my life has been discovered again. This week has been incredibly packed with the completion of the school year. There had been a great deal of stress in the preceding weeks, complicated by months of a sluggish sickness. I had been pouring myself into my job. The pure panic and push of getting everything checked, graded, recorded, double-checked, filed, and reported is immense. And then suddenly the pendulum swings back, just as fast, and a void replaces the frantic pulse that was previously dictating my every breath. I so often hear teacher's chime to one another, "A teacher's job is never done." Which is true until the final report cards are completed. And then suddenly I have no idea what to do with t-i-m-e. It was uncomfortable at first, as if I had the wind knocked out of me. But then I took one breath after another. A smile spread over me, I closed my eyes and said, "Welcome, Summer."