Tuesday, April 27, 2004

The VitaMix Scam

So while I was at my parents' house over the weekend I actually received some mail that was addressed to me. Sure, it was only an advertisement for some blender thing but having nothing better to do I decided to thumb through it. Needless to say I became quite intrigued in this high quality blender thing that they referred to as the VitaMix (and they would be entirely offended if they read this and saw how many times I have referred to it as a "blender thing" because they are adamant that it is so far superior to blenders that it be called nothing less than a VitaMix!) Anyway, it sounded like a good thing, so I decided that ordering one would not be an entirely bad idea, it comes with a 7 year unconditional guarantee and it was 30 days same as cash if I was in any way whatsoever dissatisfied with this unbelievable product. Plus, it came with recipes and other free junk. I was entirely drawn in. I was ready to order. I was dialing the toll free phone number with one hand, whipping out my credit card with the other when this brochure fell open to the mail-in order form tucked so neatly in the center. Surrounded by all of the bright glossy pictures of fruit smoothes, fresh homemade bread, and satisfied customer testimonials was one simple white postcard that held information that was nowhere else to be found. The price of this culinary masterpiece.

Let me tell you...after scooping my jaw up off the floor I quickly informed the all too perky sales associate that had just answered my call that I was no longer interested. These crazy people, regardless of their physical health, are mentally sick! They wanted me to pay them $605 for a blender! For crying in the mud! I can go out and buy a fruit smoothie from Caribou for everyday for the rest of my life and not pay that much money. I cannot believe how dangerously close I came to spending a whole lot of money that I do not have. I mean that blender is more than three times my rent! Ha! I think that the people over there have been eating too much lotus flower or something 'cause they have truly lost it. I could go out and my a new blender every year for the next 12 years of my life and not spend that much money. It is a basic kitchen appliance! Anyhow I am protesting by refusing to purchase. End of story.