Friday, October 08, 2004

Make Your Bed

I always make my bed right before I climb in. I hate making my bed. It's a pain. So every morning I just leave all of those blankets in a huge heap on my bed, ignoring how unkept it looks. Every night as I walk into my room I dread that bed making moment. But I have to make my bed before I can sleep in it. There is just no way, no how, that I can climb into bed without all of the blankets neatly tucked under the mattress, all smoothed out, uncrumpled. So every night I stomp into my room wrap my arms around that huge crumpled blob of blankets and throw them into a disgusted heap on my floor.

Every night I smooth out the fitted sheets, carefully re-tucking the deep corners. I then gently pull the mattress away from the wall so that as I begin the layering process, the excess blanket will fall into the gap between bed and wall making for an easier "final tuck" process. Then I return to the heap, dig out my khaki sheet, disentangling it from all of the others. Holding on to the corners I billow it over my bed a couple of times until it lands in the perfect position, so the the edge just reaches the box spring and the top hem is overlapping the edge enough to fold back over all of the layers. Once the sheet is perfect I can layer, the heaviest blankets first, the two that were handwoven in Arizona, the 2 afghan gifts from my grandmother, then the blue poly-something or other that is soft and fuzzy, and last but not least the down comforter. After the successful layering I securely tuck in the side edge near the wall and the foot of the bed. Then I gently ease the mattress back against the wall. I top with all of the pillows, turn back the covers and then search out my pajamas.

After all of that it is quite rewarding to climb into bed. Rewarding and exhausting. And every night I wonder if maybe I should start making my bed in the morning when I get up. Just to see if that rewarding feeling would last. Or maybe it wouldn't even exist in the morning. Maybe it is only so satisfying because I know that in mere moments I am going to enjoy falling asleep. I will probably never know because I always make my bed right before I climb in.