Monday, May 23, 2005

My Last Monday

I am a person who likes defined beginnings and endings. I often embrace change so long as I can look forward to it. In this respect teaching is the perfect career for me. There are clearly defined "starting" and "stopping" points. I don't decide when to have my vacation, however I think that in the grand scheme of things whoever put this schedule together was a pretty good thinker. We get all weekends, important (and a few unimportant) holidays, and of course there is the blissful summer. There are the blurry lines of work/personal life because of the demanding schedule. It is not the sort of job that you can "punch in/out" and just put in the time. You have to spend many a non-school hour in preparation for the hours ahead. My point in all of this is that this is my last Monday. I couldn't be more thrilled (well, I could be but we can save that utopian thinking for another day. I am so looking forward to this end. Not because it was horrible but because I am ready to start something new. I am ready for a clean slate. I don't even mind waiting to hear back from prospective employers...I am just to happy to be worried about it. Because this is my last Monday, and I lived through what is allegedly going to be one of the hardest years of my professional life. I have learned much.