Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Solve for Y

There are so many unknowns in my life right now...

Where am I going to work?
Where am I going to live?
What am I doing with my life?
Is there something that I am missing?
Am I ever going to have enough time?
Will I always feel lonely?
How long will I remember?
When will I forget?
Is the best buy feeling real?
Is it worth it?
Why did the ring only cost $6.50?
Why don't other people get that a $6.50 whim is priceless?
Who will stand by me?
Who will share in the laughter and the tears?
When will I trust?
When will I learn?

I spent the evening pondering some unknowns and discussing life as only good friends with hot tea can do. It was a relaxing evening. We decided to pray before I headed home. With solemn hearts we bowed our heads and began to pray. All was well until she said something about us needing patience with "...all the unknowns in life." I kinda scoffed under my breath and added out loud that we should "solve for X" thinking that life would be great if it were as simple as an algebraic equation. We were mildly amused at our joke until she added the comment "yeah, what is Y?" At this both of our heads snapped up...our eyes locked...we had both heard her question as "what is 'why'?" and started cracking up. We both had a lot of "why" questions that we wanted answered. Wouldn't you agree that knowing what all of the "whys" were and having those questions answered would be a mighty fine conclusion to our little prayer? Although God didn't answer us directly, I think that we both became a little more aware that while we might not have all of the answers...God knows what He is doing, we can trust Him with our "whys."