Sunday, November 20, 2005

Baby, Baby

If you don't have the time or the resources to travel to exciting destinations like the Andes Mountains...Adopt a pet that is native to the area! *wink* I am so excited! I finally got to pick up my baby chinchilla today! He is so much fun. He is absolutely the softest creature that you have ever held! He is cute and adorable and I love him! He and I are going to bond over the Thanksgiving Holiday. And I will introduce him to my class after break. I think that he is going to have to come home with me every weekend because I couldn't bear for him to have to be alone...Its bad enough that I had to leave his brother. Toby assured me however that both chinchillas will be fine.

He has a great cage! It's fantastic with multiple levels and toys and stuff to gnaw on. I think he loves it!

He is so beautiful! He is mostly grey with some white. He has perfect little ears that he perks up when you talk to him. And his tail is bushy.

Some things to know...
Chinchillas are an adorable animal with long ears, large eyes and bushy tails. Their tail looks like a squirrels' tail and accounts for about one third of their length. They have the finest fur of all the mammals which makes them very soft."The Chinchilla's exceedingly soft, dense coat is the cause of it's present extreme rarity in the wild"

Chinchilla means "little Chinta," the South American Indian tribe for which the animal is named.