Friday, December 30, 2005


Today I am most deeply regretting that I am not married yet.

This is "day 2" of my being so horribly sick that I cannot get out of bed. Except for a brief moment last night when I was sick and tired of looking at my bedroom and decided to move my furniture (dumb, dumb, dumb idea!). The most excitement of my day thus far has been searching for my other sock that I took off in the middle of the night...evidently the monster under my bed ate it, so now I wear only one. I haven't eaten because the stairs look too troublesome to deal with. I would really love some tea right about now...the kitchen is just too far away. This post alone will take me over an hour to write.

I need someone to take care of me: to fluff my pillows, to deliver me tea, to rescue my sock, to keep me from killing myself while moving furniture, to change the DVDs, to talk to. I am going out of my mind here!

Pity the last telemarketer to call here. She had to listen to this whole rant and more...and do you know what she said?
"Honey, you need a husband."
I hung up on her!