Monday, January 16, 2006

Three Day Weekend

I think that we should all have more three-day-weekends...they just make you feel so I right? I am feeling all rested up after my weekend of playing mom to three adorable young ladies. And I have been very efficient in the completion (or near completion) of my grades this weekend. Report cards will indeed be ready to go home on Wednesday as planed.

Today was gloriously beautiful and I greatly enjoyed what wee bit of time I was allowed in the great outdoors. I know that this "spring-like" weather cannot last too much longer but I assure you that I am soaking it in while I can. Meanwhile I no longer need to do double recess duty (since it is the end of second quarter) so I can whole heartedly sing, "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!"

I am thinking about going back to school. English Department. Library Media Specialist endorsement. So basically I am going for the stereotypical spinster teacher/librarian theme to my life...(Maybe I can get my cat back to help with the life theme!). I am excited at the very idea of going back to school. If nothing else I have been awarded a tuition voucher for one class at if Grad school doesn't quite pan out I can at least bask in the glory of one more class.

Now is also the time to be thinking of applying for a new job. I think that I will be applying to Grad. school and for a new teaching position simultaneously. Since the common deadline for both of these is February 1. This way if I am offered a to-die-for job I can always postpone the Grad. school plans. Or if a fantastic new job doesn't present itself I will be set to start classes in August.

BTW there is no news on where in the world I will be living in August and it seems that that information will be highly confidential until the last possible moment.

I haven't even considered staying at Cornerstone for another year. I might enjoy it. But I don't know that I will stick around to find out. I feel ready for a change, a next step, a new goal.

I have had a lot to think about this three-day-weekend. I think that we should have more weekends like this.