Twirling Skirts
I have been quite enjoying twirling skirts recently. In fact I am currently in search of a new one. But I am rather particular, no huge surprise there. ;) The perfect skirts for twirling in are a joy to wear...Especially in the summer when I always feel like dancing.
Just the highlights!
This is what I happily spent my weekend doing! Congratulations to my brother, the graduate! At church this weekend all of the graduates were recognized. It seems that my family had a corner on the market for graduations this year! ;) Spencer graduated from 8th grade, Skyler graduated from high school. Whitney graduated from ISU. Tina graduated from NIU. So, of the eight graduates that attend our church, half of them are in my family. I am so proud of them all!
In all honesty I have attended many graduations this year and this one was, I think the nicest. It wasn't too long. We got to sit outside and work on our tans. It was a beautiful day. And of course this was the only one that I brought my new camera to (Sorry, girls, I didn't but the camera until after your graduations!).
Family at Skyler's Graduation
Here we are...each and every one of us. I can't tell you the last time that we were all together long enough for a snap shot to be taken. But because it was Skyler's high school graduation we were all at home. We were all in the same place at one time. We all celebrated together. We got caught up on all of the details that we had been missing. We found new things to argue about. We found new reasons for hugs. After all that is what *family* is all about, right?
Missing School
This is my beautiful class whom I love and miss since we have all scattered to the winds of summer.
Don't get me wrong I am loving this summer break. And I am thankful each and every morning that I have missed the sunrise. But I bet that if you were the one that got to do my job...
If you were the one that played with these kids...
If you were the one that watched them grow...
If you were the one that laughed with them till your stomach hurt...
If you were the one that poured your heart and soul into them...
If you were the one to plan for them...
Teach for them...
Clean for them...
Pray for them...
Read for them...
Save for them...
Loose sleep for them...
If you learned to love them the way that I did you would be missing school, thirteen days into summer vacation, too!
Crazy Birds
A couple of days ago I went for a walk on the bike path by my house. It was a very ordinary day. It was very ordinary until about a quarter of a mile down the path. Then all of the sudden these crazy birds started to hover in the air above my head squawking furiously. I was confused; I had done nothing to offend them, I was sticking to the path as usual, I wasn't even dressed horribly, I couldn't begin to understand what their deal was. I had decided to just ignore their hovering and squawking when out of the blue a brave one swooped down and brushed up against my head. I ducked down and screamed simultaneously. I could not believe the audacity of these birds.
At first, I tried to ignore them. They would not be ignored. Next, I tried waving them away whenever they swooped down. That evidently just made their mockery more enjoyable. Finally, I decided to just stare them down. This seems to work the best. They still make an un-godly amount of noise but at least their swooping is down to a minimum.
Today when I went to the path I saw that this sign had been posted. It is good to know that I am not the only one that has been bothered by these obnoxious birds. I have been complaining about these crazy red-winged blackbirds for the past couple of weeks so I just wanted you to know that I am not the only one that feels the need to spread the word of caution.