Monday, December 11, 2006


I was wrongly diagnosed with tonsillitus, I have mono. I guess that makes more sense. It explains my extreme exhaustion; sleeping 16+ hours a day. My complete distaste for most every food imaginable; although pizza is still good. It certainly helps to explain the complete nonsense of that last post; "I have mono, my brain is sleeping" seems to be a regular (and necessary) excuse these days.

Time is moving at such an odd pace. When I am awake it seems to go slowly because I feel fatigued, I have a hard time focusing, and I feel that all details are generally blurry. But then I fall asleep and when I wake up entire weekends have vanished, days slipped away, hours lost...instantly.

At least it is almost time for Christmas break. I can't wait for those two weeks of uninterrupted sleep. *yawn* No concerned coworkers to answer to, no noisy students to "shhhhush," no papers to grade, lessons to write, or Christmas parties to plan. Four more days and then I can just let this I-don't-really-care-attitude take over completely without worrying about it. I think I will go to sleep on Friday, December 15, 2006 and set my alarm clock for 7:00am Tuesday, January 2, 2007.

Wouldn't it be nice.