Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ice and Snow

Never underestimate the amount of time that it takes you to "find" your mode of transportation that has been buried under a sheet of ice and a blanket of snow. I myself, have the tragic tendency of assuming that it will have only a minor effect on the normal "travel time" that I have allotted into my daily schedule.

The snow was minor in accumulation. It was the inches of ice that caused the huge delays. Mostly because I couldn't even get into my car for the first 45 mins. I used ice scrapers and at last a hammer to chip away the ice around the doors. Not to mention the task of thawing out the locks. Then each door had to be "dug out" and literally pried open. I found my broom handle, hammer, and a ruler to be manageable tools to accomplish the task.

All of the while I had this nagging fear that my car would refuse to start due to the cold, despite all of my valiant efforts just to get in. Much to my surprise, it started with very little hesitation and I was only and hour and fifteen mins late to small group. It is a good thing they love me and are so understanding of all of my crazinesses. They didn't even bat an eye when the only explanation of my tardiness offered was, "Never underestimate ice and snow."