Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Art is a feeling

I saw a painting today.

I saw many.

But one made me stop.

One that made me remember him

saying that art is a feeling.

I asked

What do I feel?

Feel it?


I would have liked to have met her

That girl

in that painting

Would have liked to know what she feels

about him




Would like to know what she is thinking

about him




I would like to know how men come to make such images

of nudes

of women

of a feeling

does he love the image the girl the paint the product the high the low the shape the color the texture the composition the line the shadow the hue the moment the light the life the end the beginning the balance the symmetry the familiarity the difference the tone the voice the story the touch the ease the discomfort the room the quilt the time the day the place the look the posture the placement the symbolism the blush the quiet

does he even love at all?

But it is her that I want to ask

her that I want to know

she has my answers

I can feel it