Monday, July 12, 2004

Collecting Tennis Balls

I am currently collecting tennis balls for my classroom. I need a little over 150. I think. Anyhow, I have been pricing tennis balls and it seems that they tend to run anywhere between 25-50 cents per ball. So I have begun to wander around the local courts hoping to find random balls abandoned by their previous owners. This is harder than it may sound. I have hand to climb under bushes, tramp through drainage ditches, scale cliffs, and search through dense foliage and I have only found about 12 balls. So, while I was on the bike path the other day I got to thinking...What if I were to just take a huge bag and run around the courts when they were having a class (the courts are literally strewn with hundreds of balls at this time) throw as many as I can into the bag until someone starts to yell and then just run from the court cackling an evil cackle and see what becomes of me. I really don't think that anyone would press charges or anything. I mean, my goodness, they are only tennis balls...And clearly I am deranged!

This made me laugh. So I keep thinking about it. And then I laugh some more. :-)