Monday, June 28, 2004

Did you feel it?

There was an earthquake last night...did you feel it? It was the coolest thing! I was just hanging out with Nikki when we felt it, so then we went and looked up all sorts of earthquake info on the web, lots of fun. But it was not nearly as reading certain profiles on a Christian dating service site. I have not laughed so hard in many moons! This one guy said under the "describe your personality" question that he, "can identify anything vague" (among other things) since when is that a part of one's personality? And just what exactly does that mean in the first place? When someone says, "that red thingy" does he respond assuredly, "the stop sign"? Or does he mean that when someone says, "that red thingy" he identifies that statement by saying, "that's a vague statement"? Maybe it was a typo and he meant to say "I can identify with anything vague" because it certainly seems to me as if he could have been more specific as to his meaning. But, hey, what can you expect from a guy that enjoys "thinking about anything in a whiteboard" *laughter* ...too funny. This profile reading turned out to be more entertaining than watching Waiting for Guffman which I find to be on of the funniest activities. *sigh* Good times. As you may imagine I am not planning on starting any online romances any time soon, I'll leave that to Kate and John *wink, wink* But this may very well be the beginning of a lifelong interest in seismology.