Thursday, June 10, 2004

"fine" / "fine?" / "fine!" / "fine?" / "fine!"

What a hubbub of activity my past few days have been. I am just so glad that I have had the ability to literally drop everything and run as necessary. These last few days have been filled with packing, filing, organizing, scary phone calls, long letters, car smash ups, emergency rooms, insurance companies, parents, siblings, headaches, backaches, whiplash, bruises, ice packs, ibprofen, nausea, check-ups, trading cars, moving schedules, changing leases, paying bills, balancing check books, losing money, calculating, checking, re-calculating, finding money, crying. I have been busy. I have been good.

Now you may look at that lengthy list and think to yourself, "good? Perhaps, dillusional?"

But I insist that I have been good. Blessed. Miracles have happened.

I know what I want......I want to be alone.
I know what I need......I need to be productive.
I know what makes me and now.
I know how to organize my library....Microsoft Works Database (thanks Jordan!)
I know I can breathe again....everyone has promised to drive safely.
I know how to wait.....with plenty of magazines (thanks Kish. ER)
I know how to hope.....look up (thanks Jen)
I know how to dream....with my heart (thanks mom)
I know how to laugh....loud and often (thanks Tina)
I know how to tease....gently with smiles (thanks Whit)
I know how to anticipate...with your gut while embracing the present.
I know how to succeed...give it to God.
I know how to rejoice. (thanks be to God).

see? I have been busy. I have been good.