Thursday, May 27, 2004

Teaching at Cornerstone

Yesterday I went in for the "teaching portion" of my interview at Cornerstone Christian Academy. They had called me on Tuesday at 3pm to ask me to come and pick up the lesson plan that they wanted to watch me teach at 10am on Wednesday. It seemed rather short notice to me considering that I had just turned in my resume and application on Monday...but this is the last week of school so if they wanted to see me teach it was now or never I guess.

Tom and Lauren are spending a few days with me and they graciously brought the newly released Lord of the Rings: Return of the King DVD.

So of course I stayed up to watch that. By the time that I finished the details on my lesson plan it was 4am...I had three hours to sleep before I needed to get up and get ready for the day.

The lesson seemed to go well. They wanted me to have the students complete worksheets so I was as creative as I could be with that. I had some really great classroom management beginnings (thanks Mrs. Nak!) and the kids were amazingly good.

The administration seemed rather impressed...which was good but also kind of disappointing. I wish that they had had a little more critical feedback but all that I heard was "very good," "great job," and "amazing." Now while this is good in the light of my getting the position it made me less impressed with the school. Obviously they do not hold their teachers up to the same high standards that they hold their students up to. Maybe they can prove me wrong on this one...I hope so. There was a rather lengthy interview after my lesson which they seemed to think went rather well, I have mixed emotions. We shall see. They said that they would call me at the end of the week. We shall see.