Wednesday, May 12, 2004

I Pass

So, NIU finally decided to post the semester grades, as it turns out...I passed. Two A's and two B' typical. I cannot believe that I only took four classes this semester, what a least I was working for most of that time (lame excuse). Anyway, looks like my undergraduate GPA is finally set in stone...nothing too impressive let me tell you. I am just glad that I passed.

I had the strangest dream last night, and if you know me at all you know that that is quite a statement. I could write an entire book about it because it is so very fascinating to me and yet I think that I am the only one that would benefit from the retelling and I would be far too embarrassed to actually let other people read was just too personal, too real, too believable...which is exactly why it would make an excellent book but also exactly why I will never allow it to be read. I need to learn to write fiction. Shouldn't be too hard, I nearly live fiction some days. But honestly, I need to learn how to let these things, like dreams, inspire something that I could write. I have the stories to tell I just do not know how to tell them without barring my soul, my mind and my heart to the entire populace. Maybe that is arrogance. Pride. Selfish. I hoard these fascinating stories all to myself. Guarding them. Taunting others by telling that they exist but refusing to share. Or maybe I am just scared that no one will like them, these stories that I love.

I tried to check out some books from the library on campus yesterday but since I have graduated it was quite a procedure...turns out they wanted me to fill out reams of paperwork *mock horror* "Not Northern!?!" Yep. I should have guessed that they could make every little thing into a process that takes two weeks...actually my "charm" paid off again and I walked out with my books, ha ha! Victory. SO I am currently reading The Last of the Menu Girls. It is interesting. A little hard to follow in some ways...or I should say, hard to relate to. But interesting.
I shall give you a full report when I am finished.