Saturday, May 01, 2004

The Winning

I wrote a play. It was an interesting and grueling experience. Mostly because all plays (all writing for that matter) seems to be so autobiographical for me. But I wanted my play to be good.

The assignment was to write a 3-page play for my Introduction to Theatre class. My professor said something to the effect of, "I am not asking you to write a good play. I am just asking that you write one. It would be impossible for all of you to write good plays because so few people throughout the ages have done that." And that was when I decided that I wanted this play to be good, very good, even if it was autobiographical. I would have to do something to make it stand out. I got a 100% on the assignment, but I was not really that impressed. There are too many bad plays that were submitted for me to take pride in the fact that I received all of the available points for an "intro" class. So I submitted my play to an independent jury that would select one play from all of the Theatre classes to be given "The Three-Minute Marvel Award." And of the 517 some plays that were submitted...I won.

Writing is such a very personal thing to me. It means so much. I would not, of course, have been crushed had my play not been chosen. But it meant so much to me that it was! I was so excited, I could not wait to get home to tell everyone the good news. I have fairly burst with pride over the whole thing and for that I am slightly apologetic. I am so sorry to everyone who has had to endure the telling and the retelling of the winning. But the excitement is not because I won, but because they liked it. Some anonymous jury somewhere read a play that was me, and they chose it. From all of the others they chose me. And I love them for it.