Monday, June 07, 2004

I Don't Think So

Still, reading through the Sunday paper when I came to this article. Chicago Tribune | Fortunately, she said yes

I was just talking with a friend who is planning a surprise party for her parents 25th wedding anniversary....and it is a lot of work in the first place (I only know this from my slight involvement in planning my own parents' anniversary celebration...Which is not even a surprise!) Hosting such large surprise parties are very difficult. But this guy is brave beyond all measure to plan a surprise wedding. Not only was it a surprise for the bride but also for all of the guests (with the exception of a few who were in the know). He had to pull a double surprise convincing his bride that she was attending a party for friends and convincing all of the guests that they were attending a surprise birthday party for the bride.

I am glad that it worked out for him but...I would just like it to be known that I would never appreciate a surprise wedding. Just in case anyone was wondering. The trouble with a surprise wedding is that she could have said "no." Sometimes making the right decision takes time and sometimes it even hurts people. This guy was blessed but I hope that guys reading this article don't get it into their heads that they should try this. This is definitely the exception and not the rule.