Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Waiting on Sycamore

I called the Sycamore School District today to ask when they would be looking over the applications and setting up interviews. Nobody knows. "Sometime in the next few weeks," was the best answer that I could get out of the secretary. Very frustrating. How can districts survive on such flimsy organizational processes? I would think that at this stage of the game they would have a definitive plan and procedure. But, no, they will get to it when they get to it and meanwhile we just have to sit on our hands and wait. I hate waiting. It seems so irresponsible. So lazy. So worthless. I could be doing something. They are going to lose a lot of good Teachers if they continue to proceed in this manner. We need jobs. I, for one, will go with a guaranteed position over the hope of being offered a better job.

I really want this position! And I am quite willing to do anything to get it, I just need to think of something brilliant. Something risky. Something that will get their attention. I'll have to devote some serious thinking time to this one. They can sit around and wait if they want to but I am refusing to be idle. I am going to have to gamble on this one...And if you have played "fill or bust" with me recently you know that my luck really hasn't been what it should be.

What a phone call. What a pain. What to do?