Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Waiting tables

I have always wanted to be a waitress at some point or another and as of yet I have not had the pleasure of being so employed. However, at the rate that I am going with the "teaching job search" waiting tables in the near future looks as though it may become a very real possibility.

Other random things that I would love to try include working as a flight attendant, joining the peace corps (or ameri-corps for my mother's sake), working at a hotel (but in some fun vacationy spot), being a live-in nanny (at this point katy is shaking her head and saying, "has she learned nothing from me?"), work at a museum, give tours pretty much anywhere, go back to work as a camp counselor....You know if I had my dream I would be a summer camp counselor year round (so that means that summer would have to be year round or maybe I could just move someplace where seasons are measured but the amount of rainfall as opposed to hours of sunshine/temperatures).

anyhow, the school has officially announced that I will not be returning next year (like it is some big traumatic thing or something) but I really enjoyed the fact that they stated that my reason for not returning was that I was considering furthering my career by completing my masters degree....I am what? As fun as that would be I don't remember citing that as a reason for my leaving...Silly school.