Monday, June 27, 2005

Blue dream

I went to get my dresser from Jordan's house. He asked me if I had 10 minutes. I said "I have all day." I think that was where we made the mistake. We went to walmart to get paint for his kitchen. After successfully choosing 2 gallons of dream blue we head back to his place. I was talking while opening the back door of my truck. I think that was where I made my mistake. The paint fell onto the driveway spilling what appeared to be melted smurf everywhere. We saved what we could. I scrubbed it. He power washed it. Then he dumped acid of some sort on it. That was where he made his mistake.

I felt really bad, and I was going to help him paint the kitchen at some point I started taping it off right then and there while he talked to his girlfriend on the phone and washed his car (yeah, it takes me a long time to tape!). We paint it all blue. It looks great. Until he starts to take the tape off. It is going to take hours to make that kitchen look right!

I was just trying to help. And he was really nice about it all. But honestly, the blue dream would have gone on much smoother without me.