Friday, June 17, 2005

No One Knows Where I Live

I have officially moved. I am cleaning out the old place this weekend and turning in the keys on Monday morning.

A special special thanks to all of the sweet sweet people who helped me haul all of my crap around or who let me store my junk in their garage or who let me use their guys are the bestest bestest. I hope that I can count on you all again for the "Big Move" that will take place in eight short weeks. :D

Also, my new roommies are awesome! We completely organized our kitchen in 20 was freakin' awesome! (Let me tell you it takes a "special" girl to get excited about the rate at which things are unpacked ;) )

This has been a really crazy couple of days. I am really quite emotional on a regular basis but it kinda seems like these past few days have been above and beyond. I mean really high highs an really low lows. I was sobbing because I couldn't find an alarm clock last night! It was really pathetic. My point is that if you do have the misfortune of encountering me...please excuse me...I am a little slow....

I don't know why this move has been so emotional. I am really sad to leave my old place. I was grabbing some of the last stuff tonight as the sun was setting and it was like I watched as two great years of my life flashed before my eyes. I wandered from room to room watching the memories unfold and replay in my head. I ended up just watching my beautiful view of the sunset one last time from my doorstep. As I was locking up my door tonight my frog jumped off my made me cry but I was glad that I got to see my "pet" one last time. I am going to miss that apartment.

The end of one era is the beginning of a new era. And I can't wait to see what this next one looks like. Looks like it is going to be the best yet! We shall see.