Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Conspiracy Theory: Intent to Kill

I have mono. My employer knows this. My students know this. Their parents know this.

I was within inches of taking an extended leave of absence. But on a whim, I decided to get back to work as much as I could for as long as I could. Because I love my job.

Ever since I have returned I have begun to suspect that they have the intent to kill me. Let's examine the evidence...

They keep trying to push the responsibility of organizing the school-wide speech meet on me. This is a big job for a committee. They think I should do it alone.

They refuse to accept the answer, "NO."

When one parent complains I am expected to revise my entire approach to teaching math, including 10-15 additional hours of grading per week.

They refuse to accept the answer, "NO."

One parent still wants me to come to work for her bussiness after school and on weekends.

They wonder why I can't return the quiz/test that students took in the morning back at the end of the day with letter grades, comments, and smiley stickers so that they don't have to wait till the next day to see the results.

They would like to go on more field trips.

They want me to teach a special unit on MLKJ.

They refuse to accept the answer, "NO."

They obviously want me dead. But thanks to mono, I have inherited the "I-don't-really-care-bug." They can take their best shot. My answer is still "no" and I am going to sleep.