Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Going Home

I am pleased to announce that I am going home, o, so shortly.  I will be going back on Friday.  I went shopping in DeKalb last weekend and it just reminded me or how anxious I am to get back.

However, there are always drawbacks.  All day I was really worried that I was going to run into Javier.  It was craziness.  I was literally making myself nauseous.  And I kept thinking, "why in the world do I feel so stressed about this?"  I gave it some thought and this is what I came up with.

I treated Javier terribly when I ended things with him.  Granted I still think that I made the right decision, however, I went about it entirely wrong, and now I feel extremely guilty.  I don't want to see him because I should have never been so excessively rude.  I said that I was going to talk to him after I read his letter and I never did.  He heard me out and I did not offer him the same courtesy.  Rude.  I am very rude.  All guys should take mental note for their own preservation: Avoid trisha like the plague.  I advise against getting too close.