Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I miss...a lot

I miss DeKalb, namely my apartment, a place to call my own, to spread out and to just be my oxymoronical hardworking/lazy, scatterbrained/organized, calm/crazy, sweet/nasty self.

I miss peace and quiet.  Where did they go?  I haven't been with them in so long. 

I miss friends.  I know where they are but it is not any easier to get ahold of them or to stay in touch.  Summer always has a way of pulling people out of my life.

I miss school.  I know that I am crazy, but I love school and I cannot wait to get started.  however I am feeling way overwhelmed at the idea of teaching but it is a good kind of know, the kind that keeps you working hard, planning much, and very humble.

I miss being in charge of my own life.  I hate being bossed around.  End of story.

I miss Wellspring.  I miss Borders.  I miss caribou.  I miss Panera.  Heck, I miss carbs in general.  My mom has all of us on a carb free/sugar free/flour free diet.  I am so ready to be done with it.  I miss bread.

I miss shopping.  I have no money.  I probably should have remained humble and worked at Taco Bell for a few weeks longer than I did.  Nah!  It was a good decision to leave.  I don't miss money that much!

I miss talking to certain individuals who shall remain nameless *cou-Jordan-gh* who refuse to actually talk to me anymore and will only leave me messages on my voice mail and who will promise to e-mail me but never do.

I miss creating inside jokes.  I miss laughing at them.

I miss a good night's sleep.  I have been dreaming about someone I miss.  It has been hard. 

I miss my grandpa.  He died the summer of 99 and I still miss him.  I rode my bike past his house and started to cry, remembering the days I saw dolphins when he was in critical condition in a FL hospital, remembering the day he put on rollerskates to teach me how, remembering the camping trips, the stories of Blackhawk, and the story that he too was born in a manger.

I miss internet access on a regular basis.

I miss a lot.