Thursday, August 12, 2004


Today I had to go to the Police Department to be fingerprinted. Yuck. What a mess. The ink was a mess, I mean...not the situation. I was only there for a background check to be completed for my employer. Now would be a really good time for them to find out that I am an axe-murderer or something, now that they have given me the keys to the building and all of my curriculum. Lucky enough for them, I am pretty sure that the finger prints are going to yield nothing of interest.

However, being surrounded by as many police officers as I was I have come to realize that perhaps Jordan is right...maybe I do have a fear of police officers.

On to more interesting topics...I miss dating. Thursdays are a good night to go out. And since I took a nap this afternoon I am feeling overly full of energy. However, the problem with dating is that it requires some level of commitment of which I want nothing whatsoever to do with right now. All I want is something fun to do with somebody that I like to hang out with. So maybe I don't really miss dating. What I really miss are my friends. But we are all just too busy or something. Schedules: you can't live with 'em and you can't live without 'em.

Well, I suppose I could run some errands, seeing as how Nikki hasn't stopped by yet I am assuming that her blind date is going relatively ok and she doesn't need me to hang out here waiting for her anymore. So off I go.