Monday, April 07, 2008

Like Water for Chocolate

I have read excerpts of this book before, in my Spanish classes, and I thought that I had read it in its entirety. However, I realized that I haven't read it all until this go round.

This is really a very beautiful story. It fits right in with my current "lovers separated" theme. I loved the supernatural/larger than life aspects of this particular tale paired with the ever practical/down to Earth recipes and home remedies that this plot was woven through. The unique pairing made this ever-believable/ever-a-dream.

I also found myself enjoying the generational aspect...albeit a minor angle...and spent a lot of thinking on how the lives we live mirror those who have come before us...or respond/react to those lives lived before us. As well as the concept of generational curses and blessings. Every life carries its own freedom to be as it desires...and yet every life is made from the lives of the families before them. Interesting.

I liked the ending exceptionally sweet.

I hear there is a movie and I am going to try to track it down in the somewhat near future.