Saturday, July 31, 2004


There are certain things that I have never noticed about my showering routine that became all too obvious today.

1. I never close the bathroom door because it gets too steamy and fogs up my mirror which I find quite irritating. However, for no real reason, I have had this creepy sensation of being watched all day so I closed the bathroom door today(this somehow was supposed to make me feel safer or something). And thus began the unravelling of a routine that I have never noticed.

2. I walk in and out of the bathroom a lot before actually getting into a shower (which might further explain why I feel the need to leave the door open). The situation was further complicated as I have just moved back to my apatrment.

3. I had to go find towels. Open the door. Look around. Chastize myself for being so silly. Locate the towels (easier said than done). Return to bathroom. Debate about closing the door. Close the door.

4. Turn on the shower. In my apartment, we don't pay the water bill, its included in the rent, this has made me very lazy. I just let the water run and run, and I watch it because it so often looks kind of rusty and I am not about to take a shower in rusty water. This is America for crying out loud, it I want to bathe in rusty water I will join the peace corps. So I just am letting water run down the drain while I seek out my shampoo and conditioner. Open the door. Find all remaining bathroom necessities in a laundry basket in my kitchen. Drag the entire basket into the bathroom. Again debate about closing the door. Close the door.

5. Now I tentatively stick my wrist into the shower. Prior to this experience I have never noticed how picky I can be about water temperature. The shower water is freezing! I am confused...hadn't I turned the shower on more than a minute ago? How can it still be cold? I know right where to turn it too for the right temperature, and I had but this is cold water. I turn the handle a bit warmer, and while I am waiting for the water to adjust I unbraid my hair. I thrust my wrist back into the water and am stunned to find it still cold. I turn the hadle to the extreme left side, all the way to the H. "that will take care of that." Again I place my wrist under the steady stream (if not a bit unwillingly at this point). Nope. Dread overwhelmes me, I don't feel like climbing into a freezing shower, its too early, and something must be broken about our hot water heater. However, I had not yet removed my wrist from the water and it started to sting, from the cold, that's when I thought, "Hmmm. I wouldn't have thought it possible but it feels like that freezing water just got colder." And then I remembered.

The maintenence men had been there earlier to fix my drippy faucet. And being the spazes that they are I realize that they made a mistake. I turn the handle over to the extreme right, Clearly marked with a "C" and that is where I found the hot water. So I luagh at their mistake and my dread of cold showers, adjust the temperature and jump in. All's well, right? Wrong.

6. This is where I learn that I change the temperature of my shower constantly! And I just couldn't get it through my head about turning the handle the opposite direction, it was bad. But funny. And I got shampoo in my eyes because I had to keep opening them to think "now which way am I supposed to turn this stupid thing...?"

The moral of this story is that I should not be so complicated...but it was funny. And who would have ever thought that a shower would be worth blogging about?