Sunday, August 29, 2004

A day well spent

There are certain things that I hate about being busy. Things like not having the time to go for a walk, read a good book, or catch up on my e-mail. However, there are also perks to maintaining such a hectic life and today is a perfect example of such.

I feel like I have accomplished so much today. I pulled things together for my next week of school, graded papers, entered grades, filed student information, cleaned out another cabinet, laminated posters, made copies, ran to Wal*Mart, stopped at Borders, filled my car with gas, bought groceries, made dinner, cleaned the kitchen and living room, found valuable information on a unit I am starting, looked up library resources, activated my credit card, and oh, so much more. And I slept in this morning. The great thing about being so busy during the week is that you can accomplish an incredible amount of work on the weekends and it still feels like you are taking a break! I have been so relaxed today, just chilling out while checking a million and three things off of my "to-do" list. It is a wonderful perk of a non-stop lifestyle.

I am ready for my Sabbath. And I fully intend on honoring it by taking the entire day to rest. As long as one trip to the library doesn't count as work (which for me I am fairly certain that it doesn't...because I love libraries so) then I am all well and good. I should probably do some laundry, but then again that could wait until Monday. I need a laundry partner. I hate going by myself, I never can get work accomplished while at the laundry mat. About the only thing that I am good for there is conversation. Hence the need for a buddy system.

Well, after having a very successful Saturday I bid you good evening. I am going to clean my bathroom and head to bed.