Sunday, August 22, 2004

Mostly antisocial

I am in a very anti-social mood today. It all began last night in the middle of a nerts game. Suddenly I just wanted to go home away from all of the noise and fun and people. These mood swings are hysterical. Don't tell my mom she will try to claim that I am pregnant again (small joke there). You may interpret that sentence however you want because I don't care! I am after all being mostly anti-social.

We had a potluck type meal after church today. That was hard to get through in my anti-socialness. I think that I am just starting to feel the reality that tomorrow I teach. In some ways I feel so ready, so excited and so motivated. And then I stop and look at my life and go, "what have I done?" Maybe I am going to make the mistake of my life....

I feel way too tied down. I am commitment phobic. I just need to daily be reminded that this is where God wants me. And that God is the center. I just need to get my priorities strait. And while I want to be a good teacher. I cannot let teaching consume me. See, I feel better already! But I still have work to get done so I will appear to remain mostly antisocial.